Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers Day!

Please join me in wishing the most beautiful, Godly, sweet, spunky, kind, generous, virtuous, joyful,  woman a happy mothers day....
yes folks, I am talking about our mother!!!!

Mom, you have been the example of true are such a wonderful encouragement to all of us to follow God and seek His will for our lives....and we are {SO BLESSED} to call you our mom!
Thank you for always giving us a safe place to share our hearts....thank you for teaching us girls to love HIM and wait on God's best for our future...thank you for reaching out to those that the world considers 'the least of these'.....thank you for encouraging us to be all that God wants us to be...thank you for all of the fun times that we have together when we are shopping (or doing anything for that matter!!).....and most importantly....
thank you for loving God and serving Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!!!
Dad most definitely found a virtuous, priceless,  woman when you found MOM!
(someday...when I'm a mommy, I want to be one just like you!)

(one heart from each child!!!)

Mom...we love you and are so grateful that God placed us all on earth here together...
to walk this journey of life...
"She is more precious than rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her." ~Proverbs 3:15