Saturday, November 22, 2014

::Thankful Challenge::

With this week being 'Thanksgiving' we would like you to join us in doing a thankful challenge!
We have 5 days....everyday (we are going to write them down)
think of 10 new things you are thankful for...
each day bringing a new 10 to the list, that's a total of 50 blessings!

"Enter his gates with
{t h a n k s g i v i n g}, and into his courts with praise:
be {t h a n k f u l} unto him and bless his name."
~Psalm 100:4~

The Lord has been SO good to us and given us SO many blessings...
lets "count are many blessings name them one by one!"

Blessings to everyone on this lovely Sunday~
Maggie for the family

{it seems to be that we are having a issue loading pic's to the that is why there is a lack of them right now! hopefully, that will change...SOON! =)}

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea Maggie, I am going to get out my journal and begin. I just love it.

    I got your package in the mail on Saturday…. thank you, thank you, thank you. What fun each portion was…it was a little like Christmas. Here's what is going into my "thankful list" this morning, "the the love and warmth of friends" and "I am thankful for your sweet family". Have a lovely Thanksgiving week all of you, Many blessings to all of you.

    P.S.I have an e-mail coming your way as well.


Hello~ Thank you so much for stopping over...
our prayer is that you will be blessed!